FBI Director Mueller Rejects Suggestions Poor Coordination Between NYPD and FBI Damaged Terror Probe

Robert Mueller III/fbi photo
Robert Mueller III/fbi photo

You would never expect the FBI’s Robert Mueller to go before Congress and point fingers at the missteps of another law enforcement agency, that is unless things really really went wrong. In this case, some things may have gone wrong, but not wrong enough to air things in public.

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – FBI Director Robert Mueller rejected suggestions Wednesday that poor coordination between the FBI and New York Police Department damaged the investigation of an Afghan immigrant charged with plotting a bomb attack in New York City.

Mueller also repeated previous assurances from federal and local officials that there is currently no known imminent threat to the U.S. from this case or any other.

Mueller testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee in the Obama administration’s first public appearance before lawmakers since news broke that Najibullah Zazi, a 24-year-old Denver airport driver, is suspected of plotting a terrorist attack in New York. Authorities have said Zazi admitted receiving explosives training from al-Qaida in Pakistan.

For Full Story

Read FBI Director’s Statement to Committee

Read Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano’s Statement

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