FBI Director Mueller Says Special Interrogation Group Used More Than a Dozen Times in Past 2 Years

Director Mueller testifying on the Hill/fbi photo


WASHINGTON — A special group set up to interrogate captured terror suspects has been mobilized more than a dozen times in the past two years, FBI Director Robert Mueller said Wednesday.

“It’s been effective,” Mueller told a House appropriations subcommittee when asked about the use of the so-called High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, known as HIG. “Over the last two years I think we’ve had 14 instances where we’ve deployed elements of the HIG to conduct interrogations.”

Mueller did not list the cases in which the HIG was used. A law enforcement official said the HIG can be deployed both overseas and in the United States and can be used in interrogations with U.S. citizens as well as non-citizens.

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Read his statement to Congress



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