FBI Director: Omar Mateen Was Self-Radicalized Lone Wolf with No Help Overseas

Omar Mateen
Omar Mateen

By Steve Neavling

Omar Mateen appears to be a self-radicalized lone wolf who received no help overseas, FBI Director James Comey said.

During the massacre that left more than 50 people dead, Mateen spoke with police dispatchers three times, pledging allegiance to ISIS and praising the Boston Marathon bombers, the New York Post reports. 

“We have seen no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the United States and we see no indication that he was part of any kind of network,” Comey told reporters.

“It is also not entirely clear at this point what terrorist group he inspired to support. Although, he made clear his affinity at the time of the attack for ISIL and generally … for radical Islamist groups.”

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