FBI Director: San Bernardino Shooters Did Not Publicly Support Jihad on Social Media

San Bernardino couple who opened fire at a holiday party.
San Bernardino couple who opened fire at a holiday party.

By Steve Neavling

FBI Director James B. Comey sought Wednesday to clear up confusion about reports that at least one of the San Bernardino shooters used social media to promote jihad.

Comey said the husband and wife were “showing signs in their communication of their joint commitment to jihad and to martyrdom” in private messages, not publicly posted ones, the Washington Post reports. 

“Those communications are direct, private messages,” Comey said during a news conference here. “So far, in this investigation we have found no evidence of posting on social media by either of them at that period in time and thereafter reflecting their commitment to jihad or to martyrdom. I’ve seensome reporting on that, and that’s a garble.”

Comey’s comments contradict assertions made during the Republican presidential debate Tuesday and a report by the New York Times that one of the shooters “talked openly on social media” about jihad. 

Comey declined to say which social media sites were used to pass on private messages.

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