The FBI could be in for a big legal battle — and a costly one at that — as more than 80 claimants seek damages of $750 million from the bureau, the US Army, the Justice Department and the Department of Defense for a 2009 incident at Ft. Hood that left 13 dead, reports Safety BLR.com.
Beside the deaths, dozens were left wounded when Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, opened fire at Fort Hood in Texas in November of 2009 in the Fort Hood Soldier Readiness Processing Center.
Despite “clear knowledge and warnings that Hasan posed a grave danger” to soldiers and civilians, claims the suit, government agencies did not respond accordingly. “On the contrary, bowing to ‘political correctness,’ the DOD, DOA, DOJ, and FBI in wanton disregard of the safety of military and civilian personnel, intentionally ignored the threat he presented,” says the suit.
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