By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com
WASHINGTON — The often outspoken and never shy late Yankees owner George M. Steinbrenner was not so talkative when it came to an FBI probe into his illegal campaign contributions to President Nixon’s re-election campaign, the New York Daily News reported.
Based on FBI documents released Thursday, the Daily News reported that Steinbrenner dodged FBI agents investigating the matter, and they were told he was traveling.
The Daily News reported that FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley wanted his agents to give the probe the highest priority.
“This investigation is to be afforded highest priority and security,” Kelley wrote in one teletype. “Cleveland to assign most capable personnel to achieve prompt positive results.”
In a handwritten notation on another memo, Kelley wrote, “hit this real hard with the best talent … Positive results are expected,” the Daily News reported.
Steinbrenner pleaded guilty in 1974 to giving illegal campaign contributions and was fined $15,000. He made the campaign contributions through bonuses to his employees at the American Shipbuilding Co., who then donated the money.
To read more click here.
To read the FBI files click here.
- Watergate Prosecutor Was Interested in Steinbrenner (AP)
- FBI Files Reveal Steinbrenner Was a Snitch (The Smoking Gun)
Tampa FBI Said to Have Helped Steinbrenner With Background Checks (NY Times)