FBI Finds 100+ Photos, Videos of Child Porn in Florida Teacher’s Home

Steve Neavling

FBI agents arresting a Florida teacher at his home Monday made a disturbing discovery – thousands of images of child porn on his computer, the Daytona Beach News-Journal reports.

Matthew Graziotti, 42, a fifth grade teacher at a South Daytona private school and director of the school’s summer day camp, was charged with producing and distributing child porn.

Seized in the raid were 141 images and six videos depicting sexually abused and exploited children.

One folder on his computer was named “personally known” and included 31 subfolders with different boys’ names, according to the FBI. One image showed him sexually abusing a “prepubescent” boy.

“The FBI director told me that they, at this point, could not clarify where these boys are from, or who they are, or anything,” Mark Tress, superintendent at Warner Christian Academy, said. “We’re cooperating with them and providing them the assistance they need to determine whether or not any of our children were a part of that.”

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