FBI Helped New Year’s in Times Square Come Off Without a Major Incident

New Year's Eve in Times Square/fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

One of the more intense events of the year — New Year’s Eve in Times Square — came off without any major incidents.

The New York FBI office said it deployed hundreds of employees including agents, analysts and professional staff to deal with the event.  It also worked with other law enforcement agencies like the New York Police Dept. and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

“We are constantly working to help keep this city safe. At high profile events, like New Year’s Eve, the FBI works tirelessly to prevent and thwart any possible attacks,” said assistant director in charge of the New York FBI office Janice K. Fedarcyk.

Agents in the mobile command post/fbi photo

“We worked closely with our law enforcement partners and as we look back on the fact that last night was only filled with good memories, we can say job well done.”

Fedarcyk’s office posted some photo on the N.Y. FBI website from the evening.  Here they are.

SWAT team leader Dan Feither talks to reporter
Agent Kristy Kottis speaks to colleague in joint operation center
Special Agent in Charge Greg Fowler gives briefing
FBI's mobile command center
Special agent bomb tech Pete Licata
NYPD's command post
SAC Mary Galligan (center)briefs head of NY office Janice Fedarcyk at joint operation center (right)

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