FBI, Homeland Security Have Failed to Adequately Address Domestic Terrorism, Senate Committee Concludes

By Steve Neavling

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are not doing enough to address the rising threat of domestic terrorism, an investigation by the Senate Homeland Security Committee found. 

According to the 128-page report obtained by NBC News, the committee concluded that federal law enforcement agencies have failed to allocate enough resources to counter the increasing threats. 

The committee’s majority Democrats also said the agencies neglected to appropriately track and report data on violent extremism. 

“Unfortunately, our counterterrorism agencies have not effectively tracked the data that you need to measure this threat,” Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said Wednesday. “If they’re not tracking it, it’s likely they are not prioritizing our counterterrorism resources to effectively counter this threat.”

The FBI responded in a statement, saying the bureau is “agile” and adjusts resources to match the threats. DHS said “addressing domestic violent extremism is a top priority.”

The investigation also found that social media companies are failing to adequately address the threat. 

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