FBI, Homeland Security Warn of ISIS-Inspired Attacks in U.S. Following Airstrikes in Syria

By Steve Neavling

The FBI and Homeland Security are warning that ISIS-inspired Americans or visitors may try to launch a domestic attack in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against extremists in Syria, CBS News reports.

The agencies issued bulletins that urged law enforcement to “be vigilant.” ISIS and other terrorist groups have been recruiting Americans. Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. needs a new approach.

“It will be focused on people who have terrorist connections and come up with new ways in which information is shared between INTERPOL members that, frankly, don’t exist now,” he said. “We have red notices that we use for people who are charged with crimes. But we’re gonna come up with a new kind of notice that deals with people who are suspected of engaging in terrorist activities.”

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