WASHINGTON — FBI agents Tracy Reinhold and Michael J. Folmar are moving up the food chain at FBI headquarters.
Reinhold becomes the FBI’s assistant director of the Directorate of Intelligence, rising from the deputy assistant director.

Folmar becomes assistant director of the FBI’s Security Division. He most recently served as deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Training Division.
On Reinhold’s appointment, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said in a statement:
“Intelligence is the lifeblood of our organization; how we gather, analyze, and disseminate it internally and with our intelligence and law enforcement partners is critical to protecting our national security. Tracy’s leadership and expertise make him well-suited to oversee this crucial function.”
Reinhold became an agent on May 20, 1990 and started out at Columbia, S.C. office.
Folmar entered the FBI in December 1986 and was assigned to the Oklahoma City division.

Director Mueller had this to say about Folmar in a statement:
“The FBI’s Security Division is charged with ensuring the integrity and reliability of the FBI workforce, preserving a safe and secure work environment for FBI employees, and preventing the compromise of sensitive information. A 23-year veteran of the FBI, Mike Folmar brings a wealth of experience and the leadership skills to head up that effort.”
Read Tracy Reinhold Press Release
Read Michael Folmar Press Release