FBI Investigated Michael Jackson in 2 Child Molestation Cases, New Files Show

Michael Jackson file/fbi art
Michael Jackson file/fbi art


By Larry McShane
New York Daily News

The FBI investigated Michael Jackson in a pair of child molestation cases 11 years apart – with neither ever going to trial, according to explosive new documents made public Tuesday.

The first case dated to September 1993, when the FBI’s Los Angeles field office was notified by the Los Angeles Police Department that Jackson was under investigation in a molestation case.

An FBI document at the time said there was a probe involving “Jackson concerning the transportation of a minor across state lines.”

Federal prosecutors opted not to prosecute Jackson under the Mann Act and even declined to attend a meeting about the allegation, according to the documents.

For Full NY Daily News Story


New York Post

NEW YORK — An explosive dossier that the FBI kept on Michael Jackson and released today show he had once been allegedly accused of molesting two Mexico boys in the mid-1980s but that the case was supposedly covered up.

An unnamed source told the FBI that while researching a book he was writing about Jackson, he was informed that the agency had investigated the charge in 1985 or 1986.

But the case wasn’t pursued because “Jackson was to receive an honor at the White House from the president,” the person said he was told. He added that his source insisted to him, “The investigation was covered up.”

To Read More of the NY Post Story

FBI files from 1992-1993 (PDF, 196 pages)

FBI files from Sept. 1993 to Aug. 1994 (PDF, 56 pages)

FBI files from Sept. 1993 to Oct. 1993 (PDF, 9 pages)

FBI files from Oct. 1995 to Jan. 1997 (PDF, 8 pages)

FBI files from Jan. 2004 to April 2004 (PDF, 41 pages)

FBI files from Sept. 2004 to Dec. 2004 (PDF, 5 pages)

FBI files from March 2004 to June 2005 (PDF, 18 pages)

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