FBI Investigating Whether Hillary Clinton Made ‘Materially False” Statements about E-mail

hillary-clintonBy Steve Neavling

The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton now involves determining whether the former secretary of sate violated a federal statute on providing “materially false” information, The Hill reports. 

“The agents involved are under a lot of pressure and are busting a–,” an unidentified intelligence source told Fox, noting the statute can be broadly applied.

The news comes as the FBI reportedly stepped up its investigation earlier this week into Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server.

Republicans have been dogging Clinton over the investigation.

“I think she’s being protected by the Democrats, by the prosecutors and possibly by the FBI,” Donald Trump said Thursday during an interview on Fox Business when asked about the FBI probe.

“What she did is a crime,” Trump added. “She broke the law 100 percent.”

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