FBI Kept Files on the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix and Col. Sanders

subversive chicken?

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — Al Qaeda they were not.

But declassified FBI files show agents kept tabs on the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix and Col Sanders of KFC fame, according to the London publication, The Sun.

The paper reports that the FBI files indicate the agency’s concern that the Beatles in the 1960s might undermine America. John Lennon was described as a “radically orientated” druggie, and pages talk in detail about him posing nude with wife Yoko Ono, the Sun reported.

The documents show the agency got involved in helping local police investigate child molestation allegations against pop star Michael Jackson.

Documents detailed Jim Hendrix’s marijuana conviction and noted that he was a contributor to a hippy magazine called The Chicago Kaleidoscope, the Sun reported.

And yes, a file was opened on the king of chicken himself,Colonel Sanders after he asked director J. Edgar Hoover for his autograph.

Could the FBI have been concerned that the colonel might try to sell his secret “finger lickin’ good” recipe to the Russians?

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