FBI May Have Recorded Up to 50 Conversations Between Gov. Blagojevich and Brother

It appears Gov. Rod Blagojevich isn’t the only family member facing more embarrassing moments. The FBI apparently recorded dozens of conversations between the Gov and his brother Robert.

Chicago Sun-Times
Gov. Blagojevich
Gov. Blagojevich
CHICAGO — The governor’s brother, Robert Blagojevich, now says he was probably caught on secret government wiretaps as many as 50 times.
In a court filing today, his lawyer Michael Ettinger said he might seek to have all of those secret tapes kept out of court but needs more information before he decides to do so.
Prosecutors have sought to make one of the recordings involving Robert Blagojevich public at the upcoming Senate impeachment trial of his brother, Gov. Blagojevich. Ettinger and Ed Genson, one of the governor’s lawyers, oppose their release and have said they might seek to suppress all of the secret recordings.
A judge had asked to hear the reasons for throwing out the recordings before deciding whether to release some of them for the impeachment trial.
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