FBI May Have Been Investigating Donald Trump During the Campaign

Donald TrumpBy Steve Neavling

The FBI may have been investigating Donald Trump before the November election, according to records obtained by Vice News. 

The news agency had filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents connected to comments made by Trump on the campaign trail.

In July, Trump urged Russia to track down “30,000 emails [from Hillary Clinton’s private email server] that are missing.” And in August, Trump made an incendiary comment that some interpreted to be the Republican calling for the assassination of opponent Hillary Clinton.

“The nature of your request implicates investigative records the FBI may or may not compile pursuant to its broad criminal and national security investigative missions and functions,” the bureau responded. “Accordingly, the FBI cannot confirm or deny the existence of any such records about your subject as the mere acknowledgment of such records existence or nonexistence would in and of itself trigger foreseeable harm to agency interests.”

Vice wrote:

This is what’s known as a Glomar response, a term that came into use after the CIA denied a reporter’s request in the 1970s for information about a CIA ship, the Glomar Explorer, designed to recover a sunken Russian submarine. The agency refused to either confirm or deny the ship’s existence.

The FBI’s response states that any records the FBI has must be withheld because disclosure would interfere with enforcement proceedings and disclose information vital for effective investigations. This response is highly suspicious.

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