FBI Most Wanted Ex-D.C. Teacher Still At Large;Tips Flow in

FBI photo of Eric Justin Toth 2008
Shoshanna Utchenik

By now you’ve probably seen the headlines that friendly-faced bearded ex-D.C. teacher Eric Toth who took Bin Laden’s place on the FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitive list, for possessing and producing  child porn.

But have you seen him on the street?

Hundreds think they have, reports the Associated Press. But no tips from the general public have panned out yet, says Ronald Hosko, special agent in charge of the criminal division at the FBI’s Washington field office.

Hosko explains that publicizing fugitives’ faces on the infamous list does risk pushing them further underground, or even to alter their appearance, according to AP.  Since being fired from a D.C. private school in 2008 Toth has eluded authorities throughout the midwest. Authorities even poured resources into a South American tip that turned out to be a dead end.

“We take each tip on its own merits,” explained Hosko, “but we’re certainly more attuned to something that suggests that the person has used his skills to get into a location that’s proximate to kids in the target range. These are young teens, 10 to 12 years old,” however, “If in the wake of this publicity, somebody has fled from area, that’s curious enough. Give us that tip. We’ll take that too.”

To read more click here.



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