WASHINGTON — Michelle Ann Jupina, the deputy assistant director for operations support in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, has been named assistant director of the agency’s Records Management Division at headquarters.
Prior to her stint at headquarters, Jupina served for two years as special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office’s Intelligence Division.
“Michelle has served in numerous leadership roles during her 20 years with the FBI. As a manager, she has strengthened the FBI’s intelligence programs, and I am confident she will effectively lead the Records Management Division,” FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said in a statement.
Jupina joined the FBI in 1996 as a special agent and was first assigned to the Washington Field Office, where she investigated cyber, white-collar crime, criminal, and counterintelligence matters, the agency said. She later became a supervisory special agent in the National Infrastructure Protection Center and then in the FBI’s Cyber Division.
Over the years, she has held positions as special assistant to the executive assistant director (EAD) of the National Security Branch (NSB), the EAD of intelligence, and the deputy EAD of administration. The FBI said she played an integral role in strengthening the FBI’s intelligence program.
Jupina also served as section chief of the NSB executive staff. Prior to joining the FBI, she worked for the Department of Defense.