FBI, Newly Formed International Task Force Score Early Victory Against Hackers

By Steve Neavling

An international task force created last year to combat cyber crimes scored an early victory this week, shutting down malicious servers that had infected at least 10,000 machines, mostly in the U.S., The CBS News reports.

The new Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce, which is collaborative effort with the FBI, Europol  and other law enforcement agencies worldwide, managed to pull the plug on the Beebone botnet quickly.

FBI Assistant Director for Cyber Joseph Demarest, Jr. said, “Botnets like Beebone have victimized users worldwide, which is why a global law enforcement team approach working with the private sector is so important. The FBI is proud to join with our partners at Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce (J-CAT), and the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unite to defeat malicious botnets that have the potential to impact thousands.”

The botnet infected computers by acting as a downloader, installing malicious software onto victims’ computers.

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