FBI Obtained Photos of Alleged Abuse by Rob Porter More Than a Year Ago

By Steve Neavling

The FBI obtained photos of alleged abuse at the hands of former White House aide Rob Porter just a week after President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.

The revelations, first reported by CNN, raise more questions about when the White House learned of allegations that Porter abused his two ex-wives. 

The Trump administration has maintained that it was unaware of the allegations until recently, but the FBI has contradicted those claims, saying it provided the White House with reports on Porter in March, July, November and January.

The photos obtained by the FBI show Porter’s ex-wife Colbie Holderness with a black eye she said Porter gave her in 2005.

The allegations, also supported by a police report, prevented Porter from getting a security clearance.

National security expert Mark Zaid said it “isn’t reasonable” that the White House first learned of the abuse allegations in news reports last week, when Porter resigned.

“I would be surprised that if in their partial report in March, the FBI either didn’t include the photo or, at a minimum, reference they had photographic evidence of the domestic assault,” he said.

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