FBI Pledges to Continue Investigating Pam Am Flight 103 on 33rd Anniversary of Bombing

Crashed Pan Am Flight 103/Wikipedia.

By Steve Neavling

On the 33rd anniversary of the terrorist bombing, the FBI said it’s not done investigating the attack on Pan Am Flight 103, which killed 270 people. 

“Thirty-three years after the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, the #FBI and our partners are still seeking justice for the 270 victims,” the bureau tweeted Tuesday. 

The Boeing 747 was en route to New York from London when it exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. The bomb was hidden inside a cassette player stored in a suitcase. 

All 259 passengers and crew members were killed, and an additional 11 people died from the wreckage on the ground. 

Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah were charged in connection with the bombing in 1991. A decade later, the court acquitted Fhimah and convicted al Megrahi. A third person, Abu Agela Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi, was charged in the case in December 2020 on the 32nd anniversary of the bombing.

The Libyan government accepted responsibility and paid nearly $3 billion to the victims’ families. 

Families of the victims have continued to push for an investigation to determine who else was responsible. 

The Justice Department also issued a statement Tuesday, saying it was continuing to investigate the case. 

“One year ago today, the Justice Department filed criminal charges against a third conspirator,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said. “Those charges are one more step toward justice for those we lost and they reflect the resolve of the women and men of the Department of Justice – no matter how long it takes – to see those responsible brought to justice in the United States.”

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