FBI Probing Airplane Outburst that Grounded Flight

By Danny Fenster

The FBI is investigating a Florida man’s airplane outburst that caused a Southwest Airlines flight to make an emergency landing in Texas on Tuesday.

It was a complete shock to Ali Reza Shahsavari’s family when news came that the 29-year-old was arrested on charges of interfering with a flight crew, according to FloridaToday.com.

Authorities initially claimed that Shahsavari tried to break into the cockpit, but later recanted that part, saying he was “unruly and had confronted the cabin crew,” according to the Florida website.

“I have no idea what happened; he has no issues,” said his father, Mohammad Shahsavari. “They were supposed to come home. One of our friends is getting married.”

“The FBI continues to investigate, but initial indications are that there was no terrorist intent,” FBI Special Agent Mark White in Dallas said, according to the paper.

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