FBI Probes Las Vegas Homeowners Associations

In Las Vegas, there’s more than blackjack and poker going on — at least that’s what the FBI suspects. Agents are looking into suspicious links between homeowners associations and construction companies and lawyers.

By Adrienne Packer
Las Vegas Review-Journal
LAS VEGAS — In its sweeping investigation into homeowners associations, the federal government is digging up documents and correspondence related to association board members, attorneys and construction companies, according to a search warrant issued in the probe.
During searches of seven common-interest communities governed by homeowners associations, FBI agents sought ballot lists, ballots, envelopes and nomination forms.
Authorities are investigating whether individuals were planted on homeowners association boards to funnel business stemming from construction defect lawsuits to certain attorneys and construction companies.
Authorities are investigating whether individuals were planted on homeowners association boards to funnel business stemming from construction defect lawsuits to certain attorneys and construction companies.
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