FBI Questions W. Va Treasurer’s Employees in Widening Probe

John Perdue/govt. photo By Danny Fenster
By Danny Fenster
FBI Agents spread out across West Virginia on Tuesday night to question employees of the state Treasurer John Perdue about $1,000 campaign contributions made to his unsuccessful Democratic gubernatorial primary campaign last spring, reports the Charleston Gazette.

“A number of individuals are being interviewed this evening,” U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin told the paper. “Beyond that, I can’t comment further.”

The FBI and the US Attorney’s Office were already investigating a property sale by Perdue, but the new questioning indicates a widening of the scope of the investigation. They questioned employees over whether they had donated $1,000 themselves or had been given the money to donate to their boss, an illegal practice.

Thirty-five employees of the Treasurer’s Office donated $1,000 each — the maximum allowed — to Perdue’s campaign. Some of the donators earned less than $35,000 a year, according to the Gazette, which raised questions as to how they could afford such a contribution.

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