FBI Raid of Atlanta Charity is Triggering Questions

Any time the FBI raids your charity or business, questions start to pop up. In Atlanta, an FBI raid has sparked questions and made some lose faith in the charitable Angel Food Ministries.

Associated Press Writer
ATLANTA — For more than a decade, Angel Food Ministries seemed like a godsend for families who purchased its low-cost food boxes and the churches that shared millions in revenue for distributing the goods.

It became an economic juggernaut in the faith community, employing hundreds, feeding thousands a month and pouring $19 million into its network of more than 5,000 host churches in 35 states.

Now, a lawsuit coupled with an FBI raid at the group’s headquarters has raised accusations of financial mismanagement at the nonprofit. The raid and ensuing FBI investigation have left congregations and church leaders weighing whether to cut their ties to the high-profile charity after the reported disclosure that six-figure salaries were paid to its founders.

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One thought on “FBI Raid of Atlanta Charity is Triggering Questions

  1. I’m a volunteer in my community distributing Angel Food groceries. The food is distributed at about half price. I can tell you that Angel Food is needed by the working poor, the elderly, people who have lost jobs, single-parent families and others trying to make ends meet. USA Today said 24 million people have gone from “thriving” to “struggling.” Some food banks are overwhelmed and are turning hungry people away. We must use every resource available, and Angel Food is effective.

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