By Steve Neavling
The FBI revealed that it investigated the possible existence of Bigfoot in the 1970s, releasing 22 public documents.
The investigation began after Peter Byrne, director of the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition, gave the FBI mysterious hairs and tissue to analyze.
In a letter to the bureau, Byrne wrote, “Please understand that our research here is serious. That this is a serious question that needs answering.”
In the mid-1970s, FBI Assistant Director Jay Cochran Jr. agreed to make an exception and “examine the hairs and tissues” received by Byrne.
Cochran wrote that the FBI analyzed the samples “by transmitted and incident light microscopy,” an examination that included “a study of morphological characteristics such as root structure, medullary structure and cuticle thickness in addition to scale casts.”
The FBI, after analyzing 15 hair and tissue samples, concluded that the mysterious animal turned out to be “of deer family origin.”
The FBI closed the investigation in 1977.