FBI Says Ex-NBA Player Arrested at Calif. Airport on Murder Charge

Javaris Crittenton/facebook photo
By Allan Lengel

Authorities Monday night arrested ex-NBA player Javaris Crittenton at John Wayne Airport in Orange Co., Calif.,  on a murder charge out of Atlanta, the FBI said, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Crittenton was arrested at the airport while checking in for a red eye flight from LA to Atlanta, the paper reported.

Mr. Crittenton wants to clear his name,” attorney Brian Steel told the paper. “He’s innocent of the charges.”

Crittenton, 23, had a short-lived carreer in the NBA. He was traded his rook season to the Memphis Grizzlies, who sent him off to the Washington Wizards where he became better known for a gun incident in the locker room with star Gilbert Arenas in late 2009.

Both pulled guns on each other over a gambling dispute. Crittention was suspended by the NBA and got probation in the criminal case. He eventually ended up playing minor league basketball with the Dakota Wizards.

Authorities allege that he shot and killed a 22-year-old mother of four in Atlanta on Aug. 19. Reports indicated that the mother was not the intended target, but rather someone who Crittenton thought had stolen jewelry from him.





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