FBI Says No Known Terrorist Threats Target Super Bowl

superbowlBy Allan Lengel
For Aol News

With just days to go before the big game, the FBI says there’s no intelligence here or abroad suggesting terrorists are plotting to disrupt Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, one of America’s premier sporting events seen around the world.

“The security is in place, and we’re well-prepared for any incident,” John V. Gillies, special agent in charge of the Miami FBI, told AOL News. “I want to stress there’s no indication of any threats to the Super Bowl at this time.”

Still, law enforcement isn’t taking any chances.

John V. Gillies/fbi photo
John V. Gillies/fbi photo

Legions of federal, state and local law enforcement personnel connected to everything from the Miami-Dade police to the Coast Guard have been preparing to protect the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area on water, land and in the air for the pre-Super Bowl parties and the Sunday night game. The latter is expected to draw a frenzied crowd of 75,000-plus to Sun Trust Stadium.

There will be a no-fly zone around the stadium, and during certain pre-game parties the Coast Guard will beef up patrols around hotels and other venues in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area, said Lt. Cmdr. Matt Moorlag, a spokesman for the Coast Guard in Miami.

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