FBI Says Pitts. Man Tried to Steal Identity of Microsoft Co-Founder

Paul Allen/60 minutes By Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel

If you’re going to steal someone’s identity, you might as well grab it from a billionaire.

That’s what Brandon Lee Price figured. He just didn’t figure he’d get caught.

Bloomberg news reports that the AWOL soldier called Citibank in January and asked the bank to change the address of Microsolf co-founder Paul Allen from Seattle to Pittsburgh.

A few days later, he told the bank that he had lost his ATM card and asked that a new one be sent to his Pittsburgh home, Bloomberg reported.

The news outlet reported that he attempted to use the card to get a $15,000 Western Union transaction and to make a $658.81 payment on an Armed Forces Bank loan, Bloomberg reported. Only the loan payment made it through without detection.



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