FBI Searches for ‘Ethical’ Hackers to Help Combat Increasing Cyber-Attacks

By Steve Neavling

The level of sophistication of today’s hackers has made it difficult for the FBI to combat cyber-attacks. 

With attacks on the rise, the bureau announced it’s looking for technology experts – even people with experience in “ethical hacking” – to become “cyber special agents,” the Chicago Tribune reports.

Cyber permeates every aspect of what we do, whether it’s counterterrorism, criminal investigations or traditional cyberattacks, as we’ve seen in the recent past,” the FBI said.

The job candidates must be both technologically savvy and loyal to the country.

“The FBI seeks highly talented, technically trained individuals who are motivated by the FBI’s mission to protect our nation and the American people from the rapidly evolving cyberthreat,” said Robert Anderson Jr., executive assistant director for the bureau’s criminal, cyber, response and services branch.

The job pays between $59,340 and $76,568 a year.

A four-year degree also is required, and candidates must be between the ages of 23 and 37.

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