FBI Searching for Back-Ups of Hillary Clinton’s Private E-mail Server

computer-photoBy Steve Neavling

Now that the FBI has Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, agents are trying to determine whether the information exists anywhere else or were backed up.

It’s part of the bureau’s investigation to determine how the former secretary of state handled classified information.

A Bloomberg reporter appeared to annoy an attorney for a company that managed Clinton’s private e-mail when asked whether the information exists elsewhere.

Bloomberg writes:

Barbara Wells, an attorney for Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton’s private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.” But Wells added that the data on Clinton’s server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it.

Neither Clinton nor her campaign returned phone calls to Bloomsberg.

“The data on the old server is not now available on any server or device that is under Platte River’s control,” Wells said during the interview.

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