By Steve Neavling
The FBI appears poised to investigate allegations that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers violated the law by selling fetal tissue and body parts.
The FBI recently requested unreacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee after its chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, urged the FBI in December to investigate the abortion providers following a lengthy probe into the sale of fetal tissue, The Hill reports.
At the time, Grassley told the committee he had enough evidence to prove abortion providers profited in the transfer of tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses. Grassley contends the providers violated a 1993 law that bars selling fetal tissue at a profit.
Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department would comment.
Planned Parenthood, which insists it never violated the law, said it provided more than 3,000 pages of documents and several witnesses to the committee.
“Planned Parenthood strongly disagrees with the recommendations of the Senate Republican staff to refer this matter to the Justice Department, especially in light of the fact that investigations by three other Congressional committees, and investigations in 13 states including a Grand Jury in Texas, have all shown that Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong,” said Dana Singiser, Vice President of Government Affairs for Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
“These accusations are baseless, and a part of a widely discredited attempt to end access to reproductive health care at Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has never, and would never, profit while facilitating its patients’ choice to donate fetal tissue for use in important medical research,” she added.