FBI Takes Salacious Trump Dossier More Seriously As New Details Emerge

white house big photoBy Steve Neavling

An FBI investigation into the 35-page dossier about Donald Trump may be gaining legitimacy with the FBI after new details came to light.

The dossier, which Trump has described as fiction, contains serious allegations about misconduct by Trump and his campaign.

Investigators have corroborated some details in the salacious dossier and are now taking the issue more seriously, the Christian Science Monitor reports. 

The Monitor wrote:

On Saturday, anonymous sources told CBS News that law enforcement officials had begun to take the dossier more seriously as the investigation continues, even among some of the more skeptical law enforcement officials involved with the investigation. The day before, CNN released a report that said “multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials” had corroborated some of the communications associated with the dossier.

According to CNN, the corroboration relates to certain conversations between Russian officials and other Russian individuals described in the dossier. Investigators found that at least some of these conversations actually took place “on the same days and from the same locations as detailed in the dossier.” The content of these conversations, however, may not have actually contained any reference to Trump.

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