FBI Tells W. Va. Coal Mining Victims’ Family They May “Be a Victim of a Federal Crime”

By Allan Lengel

The FBI has fired off a letter to families of the miners who were killed last April at the Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine in Raleigh County, W. Va., saying  that “you may be a victim of a federal crime,” the Charleston Gazette reported.

The two-page, March 28 letter, signed by FBI agent Joseph I. Ciccarelli of the Charleston field office, stated, according to the Gazette:

“As you may be aware, the FBI has instituted an investigation into various activities at UBB in an effort to determine whether any Federal crimes have occurred,” the letter said. “In connection therewith, you may be a victim of a Federal crime.”

The letter added: “This investigation can be a lengthy process and we request your continued patience while we conduct a thorough investigation.” The feds told the families they may wind up being eligible for certain government benefits afforded victims of crimes.

Twenty nine miners died in the accident.

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