FBI to Wrap Up Kavanaugh Investigation As Early As Today

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at his Senate confirmation hearing.

By Steve Neavling

The FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanugh may wrap up as early as today, even though the accusers have not been interviewed as of this morning.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the report will be finished in time for the Senate to vote this week on Kavanugh’s nomination to the highest court.

“We’ll have an FBI report this week, and we’ll have a vote this week,” McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters.

An unnamed Trump administration official told the USA Today that the report will be in the hands of lawmakers soon, if not today. 

Trump also expressed confidence that the vote will be this week.

“And I think the process – I must say, I think – hopefully, as Mitch said, they’ll have a vote by the end of the week, and it will be a positive vote. But it will be dependent on what comes back from the FBI,” Trump said Tuesday. “The FBI – the FBI is working. They’re working very hard. And let’s see what happens.”

The FBI investigation was aimed at instilling confidence in the confirmation process, but Democrats are not happy with how quickly the bureau plans to wrap up the investigation.

Senators called for a one-week investigation on Friday.

“A Supreme Court nominee must, whatever their politics, be a shining example of someone who tells the truth,” Schumer tweeted. “Every Senator now must assess these serious allegations, and consider whether Judge Kavanaugh has the temperament, independence, and credibility to serve.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., urged his colleagues not to rush a vote.

“A Supreme Court nominee must, whatever their politics, be a shining example of someone who tells the truth,” Schumer tweeted. “Every Senator now must assess these serious allegations, and consider whether Judge Kavanaugh has the temperament, independence, and credibility to serve.”

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