FBI Turns to West Point for Counterterrorism Training

By Danny Fenster

The FBI has turned to the Army for help with its counterterrorism training.

After a troubled past with their understanding and interactions with Islam, reports Wired Magazine’s The Danger Room blog, the Bureau will begin working with the Army’s Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point.

The center at West Point is known among experts for its rigorous, practical scholarship on terrorism and Islamic Extremism, according to Danger Room. “It’s researchers consider themselves to be the opposite of analysts like William Gawthrop,” writes the Danger Room’s Spencer Ackerman, “the FBI intelligence analyst who compared Islam to the Death Star and Mohammed to a ‘cult leader.'”

“At CTC, there’s an ethos of education,” Brian Fishman, a researcher at the New America Foundation and former research director at the center, told the Danger Room. “When you have that, you inherently recognize that you need to illustrate that, for example, the practice of Islam around the world isn’t monolithic.”

According to the Danger Room, all new FBI agents go through a CTC-prepared class on international terrorism, but it is not yet certain how thoroughly the CTC will revamp the Bureau’s curriculum.

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