This is one heck of an interesting situation. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Montgomery has recused itself and the Birmingham office is handling the probe which seems to be focusing on a variety of matters including gambling and selective prosecution. It’s never good when a state Attorney General is the target of a federal probe, whether there’s something there or not.
By Bob Gambacurta
The Montgomery Independent
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A special called federal grand jury in Montgomery, investigating the Alabama Attorney General and the activities of his office, heard from more than a half-dozen witnesses last week. News of the grand jury investigation caught even the target, Attorney General Troy King, by surprise.
“Sure, that would be a surprise,” King told the Montgomery Independent Monday afternoon when contacted about the investigation. Friends and staff of the Republican Attorney General said they were “shocked” to learn of the investigation.
The Independent broke the story Monday at 7:55 p.m. with a posting on this Web site. Multiple, highly-placed sources told the Independent that at least seven former employees of the Attorney General’s office were called to testify Monday through Friday of last week.
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