By Allan Lengel
U.S. District Judge Richard M. Gergel of South Carolina blasted the FBI in a court order filed Monday for a parade of errors and a series of “abysmally poor policy choices” that allowed Dylann S. Roof to unlawfully buy the gun that he used to kill nine African-American people in a Charleston church in 2015, the News York Times reports.
That being said, the judge granted the government’s motion to dismiss about 15 lawsuits filed against it, which had alleged negligent management of criminal databases and performance of background checks.
The judge noted that the lawsuits had uncovered “glaring weaknesses” in the background check system, but the government could still claim immunity.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, operated by the F.B.I., demonstrated in a variety of ways that it was “hopelessly stuck in 1995,” Judge Gergel wrote, according to the Times. But he noted that “the victims of this tragedy” had no legal remedy.