Fed Judge Questions Why FBI Interview With Cheney Shouldn’t Be Released

We could use some more info to figure out exactly what happened in the Valerie Plame case. The Justice Department wants to keep some things under wraps. In this case, the right thing to do is to be transparent.

Dick Cheney/meet the press
Dick Cheney/meet the press

By Ben Conery
Washington Times
WASHINGTON — A federal judge questioned Tuesday whether the Justice Department’s request to not release notes from an FBI interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney essentially would require the judge to create new law, something he said he couldn’t do.

The government asked Judge Emmett Sullivan to keep the notes from being made public because, officials say, revealing them may discourage top White House officials from cooperating with future investigations.

Judge Sullivan, however, said adopting the government’s reasoning would essentially create new limits for freedom of information laws.

“What the government is asking this court to do is to create another exemption, to legislate, something judges cannot do,” he said in federal court in Washington. “Why isn’t this a job for Congress? Why aren’t you before Congress asking them to carve out this additional category that you want me to create?”

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