Fed Judge Upholds Ban on Bump Stocks

Bump Stock (Wikipedia photo)

By Allan Lengel

Despite a challenge from the Firearm Policy Foundation, U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich of D.C. on Monday upheld a ban by the Trump administration on bump stocks, UPI reports.

Bumps stocks, which can modify a weapon so it fires like a machine gun, was used in the Las Vegas slaughter that killed people in 2017. The ban takes effect March 26.

The  Firearm Policy Foundation contends that the ban “smacks of agency abuse” and was the “product of serious multi-dimensional legal violations,” UPI reports. It also  argued that then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker didn’t have the authority to issue the ban.

The judge ruled that ATF was within its right to redefine the rules that had previously allowed bump stocks.

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