Fed Prosecutors Want Ex-Michigan Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway Behind Bars

Ex-Judge Diane Hathaway
By Allan Lengel
Deadline Detroit

DETROIT — Prosecutors want disgraced ex-Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway to serve time behind bars for bank fraud.

In a sentencing memorandum filed Thursday in federal court, the U.S. Attorney’s office recommended that Hathaway serve 12 to 18 months under the sentencing guidelines. Sentencing is set for Tuesday at 2 p.m. in U.S. District Court in Ann Arbor.

“Such a sentence would serve to adequately punish the defendant for her methodical, thoughtful, and sophisticated criminal conduct that spanned over two years and caused approximately $100,000 in losses to a financial institution,” Assistant U.S. Attorneys Daniel L. Lemisch and Patrick Hurford wrote. “In addition, this sentence would deter the defendant and others from future criminal conduct and, in particular, economic crime.”

Hathaway, 58, pleaded guilty in January to a real estate scheme in which she transferred properties out of her name to make it look as if she had less assets, all so she could get a short sale on her Grosse Pointe Park home and get out of $600,000 she owed the bank, ING Direct. The original mortgage was $1.4 million and the home was sold for $800,000 in the short sale.

Under the short sale, the loss to the bank was approximately $100,000, according to the government. The government noted that she did bring $10,000 to the closing for the short sale as a closing fee, bringing the actual loss to $90,000.

To read the full story click here.

Read sentencing memorandum. 

One thought on “Fed Prosecutors Want Ex-Michigan Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway Behind Bars

  1. I think and strongly believe that when a person that is in a position of trust and especially a Judge who sentences and prosecutes other of crimes and of the same crime to go behind bars and into prison, so be this said she should get at least 5 to 15 years for bank fraud. She knew better then that and wanted to rip a bank off so she did not have to lose money herself, also she should not be able to collect any kind of retirement or pension from being a judge. Shen need to go flip burgers at a White Castle only after she is released from prison. Also she should not be able to open any bank account of any kind and be ordered not to apply for any kind of loans from any banks ever again!!! Remember Berney Maddoff?

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