Federal Inmates Get Death, Though Executions Are Rare

jailBy Allan Lengel
For AOL News

One of the last three people executed in a federal case in this country was Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who died by lethal injection on June 11, 2001.

To say the least, putting convicted criminals to death in federal cases is not all that common, particularly when compared with state cases. Just this month, three inmates from Texas were executed, as well as two from Mississippi and one from Virginia. Fifty-two were executed last year in state court, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

Now in federal court comes Mark Issac Snarr, 34, and Edgar Balthazar Garcia, 30, who were sentenced to death by a federal jury in Beaumont, Texas, today for brutally murdering a fellow inmate at the U.S. Penitentiary in Beaumont. They also stabbed and wounded two corrections officers.

The federal jury, which had convicted the two on May 7, deliberated on the death penalty for about three hours today before returning their verdict, the U.S. attorney’s office said.

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