Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Strongly Opposes Proposal to Eliminate ATF

Rep. Sensenbrenner
By Allan Lengel

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) on Thursday denounced  Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s proposal to eliminate ATF and have it absorbed by another agency.

“Violent gangs, gun traffickers and active shooters will not take pause while Congress attempts to engage in an unwarranted bureaucratic maneuver that would waste taxpayer dollars and leave the public at risk,” said FLEOA President Jon Adler in a statement. ” Any bill that calls for dismantling  ATF would simultaneously dissolve a critical layer of enforcement and protection for the American public. We cannot afford to diminish ATF’s Frontline Strategy, nor the dedicated Special Agents.” and Inspectors who enforce it.”
The Milwaukee Journal reports that Sensenbrenner has a bill in the works to eliminate ATF. The Congressman cites recent operational failures and ATF’s  overlap with other federal law enforcement agencies, the paper reports.
“By absorbing the ATF into existing law enforcement entities, we can preserve the areas where the ATF adds value for substantially less taxpayer money,” Sensenbrenner said. “While searching for its mission, the ATF has been plagued by decades of high-profile blunders….We cannot afford to ignore clear changes that will greatly enhance the government’s efficiency.”


One thought on “Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Strongly Opposes Proposal to Eliminate ATF

  1. FLEOA has always been a cheerleader for management.
    Where was their voice during Fast and Furious ?
    And what was their position on the Bill McMahon caper

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