Feds Arrest 3 Officials in Calif. Bribery Case

Steve Neavling

The FBI is investigating the small Southern California city of Cudahy after arresting three officials Friday that feds say accepted bribes to support the opening of a marijuana dispensary, L.A. Times reports.

Documents in the case against former City Manager Angel Perales, Mayor David Silva and Councilman Osvaldo Conde suggest bribery and other malfeasance are far more pervasive, according to the Times.

“These guys are not your typical, uh, council people,” the longtime official, Angel Perales, advised the informant in a phone call on Jan. 26, according to a transcript released by the U.S. attorney, the Times reported. “They’ve dealt with, you know, people that throw money down.”

Federal investigators also appear to be determining whether the city was involved with election fraud.

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