Feds Could Cash in On Russian Spies By Auctioning Property Left Behind

auctionBy Allan Lengel

The feds stand to gain some serious cash from the 10 Russian spies who were quickly deported last week.

The New York Daily News reports that the feds could try to auction off the property left behind including homes that still have clothes hanging in the closets.

“The crowds at these auctions can almost double [regular auctions],” Robert Olson, owner of auction house Erkelens and Olson in Salt Lake City which has handled a number of high-profile U.S. Marshals auctions told the Daily News. “I guess they want to see what those people in actuality owned, and how they lived.”

The paper reported that the homes left behind include a $530,800 one in Montclair, N.J., and a $447,059 one in Yonkers.

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