Feds Go After $5.1 Million in Assets of Madoff Employee

Bernie Madoff/facebook photo
Bernie Madoff/facebook photo
By Allan Lengel

The feds are continuing to hunt for the riches from the Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi scandal.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan filed an amended complaint seeking the forfeiture of $5.1 million in assets from Annette Bongiorno, a 40-year employee of Madoff’s.

The original complaint sought less, but authorities said they had located an additional $2 million in assets including houses in Florida and New York.

The assets the government said it is going after include:

  • A house in Manhasset, N.Y., Bongiorno paid about $1.4 million.
  • A house in Boca Raton, Fla. she paid about $862,000.
  • Approximately $1.1 million currently or formerly held in accounts at Citibank, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, and HSBC;
  • A 2005 Bentley Continental she paid about $182,605;
  • A 2007 Mercedes Benz she paid about $90,000.
  • A second 2007 Mercedes Benz she paid approximately $66,000.
  • About $1.3 million she paid towards a luxury condominium.

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