Feds Indict 3 Men For Racist N.Y. Beating on Election Night

A Liberian immigrant teen was beaten by three men hunting for blacks on a historical night that broke a racial barrier in America.

Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK — Three men, riled by Barack Obama’s victory, spent election night hunting down black people to beat up and yelling insults about the president-elect, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
The men beat a Liberian immigrant teen, pushed a black man to the ground and drove their car over a white man they thought was black, according to the indictment.
Ralph Nicoletti, 18, Michael Contreras, 18, and Brian Carranza, 21, were arrested early Wednesday. All three pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy to interfere with voting rights.
“Violence and intimidation aimed at interfering with the constitutional rights of every citizen, including the right to vote, will not be tolerated,” U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell said in a statement.

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