If the office voice mail recording is any indication, damage control was in full swing this week at the Gerber Boy Scout Camp near Muskegon, Mich., where the director is behind bars, charged with possessing and distributing child pornography — including locker-room videotapes of boys at the YMCA where he worked as a pool safety instructor.
“I’m so very grateful for our great Scout leaders who are stepping up and letting folks know that the Boy Scouts of America is still a great organization doing great things for kids,” said the voice mail of Mike Sulgrove, Scout executive for the Gerald R. Ford Council, which oversees the camp, “and not to let the actions of one adult leader … ruin the great experiences so many of our children are having.”
On Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Grand Rapids indicted Scott Allan Herrick, 39, of Twin Lakes, Mich., on charges of sexually exploiting children and possessing and distributing child pornography. He was arrested in early July on a federal criminal complaint and jailed pending a court appearance on July 27.
Herrick’s arrest sent shock waves through western Michigan. He had been director of the camp for the past seven years.
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