Fired Deputy Director of FBI Accuses Bureau of Stalling Release of His Book

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

By Steve Neavling

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, whose termination triggered allegations of retribution, is accusing the bureau of stalling the publication of his book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.”

McCabe submitted the draft of his book to the FBI two months because of a bureau policy that requires the FBI to have a chance to review agency-related information before publication, ABC News reports

The book is scheduled to be published in December, but the FBI’s failure to reach a conclusion on McCabe’s proposed revelations has pushed back publication until at least February 2019.

“I am disappointed that we have had to substantially delay the publication date for my book because the FBI’s review has taken far longer than they led me to believe it would,” McCabe said in a statement to ABC News. “Having been singled out for irregular, unfair treatment over the past year, I am concerned that it could be happening again.”

A source familiar with the book’s review said McCabe and his publishing team have exchanged “countless calls and emails” with FBI officials. But, the source said, the review “has gone outside of the norms and protocol of pre-publication review.”

According to the publisher, McCabe’s book will explore “a series of troubling, contradictory, and often bizarre conversations” with Trump and other high officials that led him to believe the “actions of this President and his administration undermine the FBI and the entire intelligence community,” threatening the public.

“I wrote this book because the president’s attacks on me symbolize his destructive effect on the country as a whole,” McCabe said in a statement issued through St. Martin’s. “He is undermining America’s safety and security, and eroding public confidence in its institutions. His attacks on the most crucial institutions of government, and on the professionals who serve within them, should make every American stand up and take notice.”

The book’s announcement came just months after the publication of former FBI Director James Comey’s “A Higher Loyalty.”

Trump has tried to undermine the FBI and Justice Department, calling their investigation of his presidential campaign and its possible connection to Russia “a witch hunt.”

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