Fla. Prosecutor Tries To Derail Ex-Boss’s Chance For U.S. Atty. Post

Harry Shorstein/law firm photo
Harry Shorstein/law firm photo

Simply put: politics ain’t pretty.  The current state attorney Angela Corey is trying to derail her ex-boss’s bid to be U.S. Attorney. Corey has apparently written Florida’s two senators discouraging the appointment of ex-boss Harry Shorstein, who once fired her when he  was state attorney.  Shorstein is one of three candidates being considered for the job.

By Paul Pinkham
Florida Times-Union
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A year after her landslide election victory, State Attorney Angela Corey and many of her employees still appear preoccupied with her predecessor and his administration, interviews and interoffice e-mails suggest.

In June, Corey’s chief assistant sent an e-mail urging key office employees to avoid long conversations with former State Attorney Harry Shorstein at the Duval County Courthouse because they might appear disloyal to Corey. The e-mail noted Shorstein fired Corey two years ago and appeared in a commercial opposing her election.

Two days later, after The Times-Union reported Shorstein was seeking appointment as U.S. attorney, Chief Assistant State Attorney Dan McCarthy circulated another e-mail listing negative remarks from readers about Shorstein on the newspaper’s Internet site.

For Full Story

Shorstein Campaigned Against Angela Corey in 2008


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